Thursday, August 26, 2010

my parisian neighbors

(these are not my neighbors)
The other night i went to bed around 230am. For most people that would be considered late, right? Well apparently not for my neighbors because as i was laying there in bed, I hear neighbors on one side of my room playing ping pong and my African neighbors on the other side making love. It was really odd. I hear the African neighbors quite often. I think they lead a good life, they are always either making fried chicken (like now), laughing or having sex. Good for them!
mainz2010 064
(ping pong tables are everywhere in europe!)

The other night I was walking home from the little shop down the street where I get snacks from and this Parisian man sitting outside a cafe stopped me in the street and started talking to me, in French, of course.

"J'nai parle francais!" I say to him.

He starts talking to me in English & wants me to have a drink with him.

"No, it is late and i need to go home" I say to him.

He is quite persistent, but i stuck to my guns. "I walk pass this cafe everyday, i will have a drink with you another day!" I say to him.

He takes my notebook and writes down his phone number and the address of his restaurant where he is a chef and tells me to come by the next day at 4pm and he will make me a meal!

"We will see, thank you Mario, it was nice to meet you!" I say to him as I stick out my hand for a handshake.

He then proceeds to grab my face and plant a big wet kiss on my lips. It was really bizarre.

"Goodnight, Mario" I say to him as I walk away and try to compute what just happened. haha

(unrelated video of metro performer)

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